mum is called Julia. Sometimes she worries too much. I think I would
still like her even if she wasn’t my mother.
My mum comforts me. I can talk to her really well. About anything. She
and dad still love each other. Sometimes as if they had only just met.
That is not the case for my friends’ parents. She is very pretty.
Sometimes she exaggerates when she speaks. It is not easy to say much
more about her.
Franziska is very hungry for life. I think that’s great, but sometimes
I am afraid that she tries to do too much and the stress will be too
much for her. I am also very happy that she tells me so much about her
life. I am a bit afraid of next autumn when she will no longer be
living with us all the time because she will have finished school. I
will miss her.
Mother and Daughter, Tübingen, 2012